
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

chairs with wheels

wheels should be put on all chairs because it just makes sense. who wants to lift a chair when you can have fun rolling it. even stools should have wheels on them. these would have locks though so you can still enjoy your afternoon soup with ease. think of how much more fun walking your dog would be if you you were on a sofa. there are so many activities that could be made more fun with rolly chairs, simple things like playing the saxophone, jumping rope or bowling. wheels on dinner chairs would even make vegetables taste good and no one would ever fall asleep in church if their pew could glide across the sanctuary. as well as being extremely practical putting wheels on all chairs would be baskets of fun. everyone knows that fun in chairs that roll is the coolest and most enjoyable form of fun. one thing its not ok to do with rolling chairs is being lazy. wheels are not attached to chairs so you dont have to stand up to get the stapler thats just out of reach, they are put there to maximize fun and to make people happy. unless sleeping on your rolly couch makes you happy. sleeping on said couch would result in a slap to the face, sometimes two.


  1. "the only kind of chair it makes sense to put wheels on is a wheelchair" ... "wheels should be put on all chairs because it just makes sense"

    I don't understand your logic...
