
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

hey, i think your dog might be retarded

Actually i'm almost positive it is. maybe someone held it under water for just an hour or two too long when they were giving it a "bath", not trying to kill it (they were trying to kill it), just because they were tired of it being so ugly. seeing as dogs cant breathe underwater i think those seven or eight brain cells it had before are gone now. you cant blame them though, no one can be happy about owning this dog. the website i found it on seems to think its, its not. i guess its possible that it'll grow into that eye one day, you see the one that doesn't look forward? yep, i'm talking about both of them, but i have a weird feeling there's no hope for this little guy. the next question i have is how you're supposed to walk it when it its arms look like that. i know its a picture and they might not always be like that, but when i look at its face i'm pretty sure at least one is stuck that way. that means you cant walk it, but if you really want to pretend like you have a real dog tie a string to the leg thats stuck, turn around, and drag it until you feel happy again.

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