
Sunday, October 24, 2010

what if there was an arm growing out of your face

it would be a hard life. you wouldnt be able to control the arm on your face, it would do everything on its own. it would grab things that you had no intention of grabbing. if you were walking down a street it might tickle another man or steal a balloon from a child. you would constantly be apologizing for all of the dirty tricks your facearm would pull. it wouldnt only embarrass you by being mean to others, it would constantly be annoying because of the shenanigans it would carry out on you. it would put gross things in your mouth when you werent looking. it would punch your ears when you need to listen, poke your eyes when you need to see, and slap your face when it was cold out. when you have sleepovers with your friends it would play cruel jokes like putting its stubby armface fingers in a warm glass of water when you fell asleep. all of the other kids would laugh at you. it would be very competitive, so competitive that it would beat small orphans in a game of slaps. then the orphans would cry. you would feel terrible and apologize but they would just call you a meanie and run away, even though you did nothing. you would hate your face arm and cut it off. it would make you happy until you took the bandage off and discovered you now have two facearms. one was puny and it would get picked on by the other. the bully facearm would force the wimpy facearm to arm wrestle with it. the bully arm would have no trouble pinning the teeny arm down. it would pin it right on your broken nose that will never heal because your mean face arm grabs it all the time. eventually you would have no friends because of your facearms awful personality. life would not be pleasent with an arm growing out of your face.

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